Wholehearted thanks to all of the educators, artists and thinkers whose brilliant teaching helped shape this new model for teaching art practice as research.
Jean Sanchirico, Web Design
Vicki Hammarstedt-Video
Julia Marshall
Amy Allen
Jamal Cooks
Louise Music
Lois Hetland
Susan Wolf
Hagit Cohen
Andrea Sanguine
Keldon Clegg
Amina Sheihk
Amanda Moreno
Yasmin Lambie-Simpson
Zaretta Hammond
Rebecca Cheung
Frances Valesco
Brooke Toczylowski
Jen Kindell
Alexa Heung
Thank You Donors
The following individuals have donated time, funding and wisdom to making this site possible. You are Education Heroes! Thank you.
Claudia Polsky
Elizabeth (Brand) Unpingco
William Allen
Jane Schmid
Malcolm Margolin
Laurie Rich
Thank You Collaborators
We would like to extend our gratitude to all of the artists and students who contributed work to this project. Thank you for allowing us to use your work as a teaching tool.
Susan Helmrich
Lynn Haug
Claudia Polsky
Amy Allen
Peter Rodrigues
Lori Preston
Megan Leppla
Molly Mehling
Susan Wolf
Nichole Talbott
Elizabeth Rubenstein
Mehdi Karimi
Sandi Hunt
Panda Hershey
​Advanced Studio Art Students in Class of 2010-2017 (still adding all your names!)
Goldberg, Orr Eli
GordonChavez, Xalli
Kennedy Yoshitani, Aiko
Lamon, Sadie
Liedeker, Elijah
Mermin, Talia Lee
Pew, Julia Isabella Garcia
Kolligs, Nathaniel
Lafetra Thompson, Alex Wolcott
Le, Aiden
LockmanFerguson, Mabel Josephine
MarasGillet, Sophie Sheherezade
Mayeno, Marikit Suki
Minkler, Desiree E
Reed, Anna
Richardson, Leland
Arzt, Molly
BiasiBatchelder, Chiara Fosca
Calderon Polo, Ruth
Comacchio, Francesca Angela
Bella Campise
Haniel Roland-Holst
Janelle Terry
Acacia Masri
Elijah Williams
Jazzie Kennedy
Clio McConnell
Ben Johnson
Adrian Bijan White
Jane Sedlak
Emma Moriconi
Marcy Moriconi
Emma Hershey
Maeve Regis
Emily Lay
Sarita Zed-Schreiber
Hector Munoz Guzman
Morgan Boals
Karin Uzawa
Nicholas Hart
Andrea Ollin Levinson
Kira Murray
Partow Imani
Emily Christensen
Quentin Laverne
Sammie ZemanekT
homas Young
Charlotte Dolunay Manyasli
Maria Vollmar
Emeric Laverne
Lena Esther Sibony
Sofia Zaidman
Julian Brave NoiseCat
Julia Martinelli
Julian Kraus-Polk
Julia Rier
Ella Hammarstedt
Camille MohseninAlex HammarstedtMateo Rockwell LeathersJulia MarshallJessica SteeleMolly Sky AncelAnna Maria CamardoEmerson JonesElizabeth RubensteinKatrina LeathersMolly Sazer-HopfLouise MusicMaggie GallagherTrena NovalHagit CohenPeter RodriguesLaurie RichFiona McLeodSusan WolfMegan LepplaJuliette MuellerAsie Mussard-AfcariGemma HuntMolly BaptistaKeasley JonesSusan HelmrichMarie BoseDemetri BroxtonChloe YeeLori PrestonRosalie Tessa Bouchard-BihrMolly Mehling